Need an Injury Attorney for a DUI Accident in West Virginia?
Drunk driving is a problem in almost every state throughout the U.S. Did you know that about 1 in 3 traffic deaths in the U.S. involves a drunk driver? The CDC collected facts regarding every state in 2012 to show us how big of a problem drunk driving is throughout the U.S. In West Virginia, between the years of 2003-2012, there were 1,092 people killed in crashes involving a driver in West Virginia. On a national level, 1.92% of people report that they have driven after drinking too much within a 30-day time period. In West Virginia, this sits at a low 0.7%. We understand that drinking and driving on any level is a bad thing, but these rates are much lower than many other states across the U.S.
So where can you turn when you have been one of the victims in these extremely delicate cases where lives are lost every day? You’ve been left with serious injuries because a driver decided to drink and promptly get behind the wheel of a car. How do you move forward?
First and Foremost: Police Officers Called to the Scene
In any drunk driving accident, you should ensure that the police are called to the scene. This is extremely important because they can assess the situation for themselves when things have gone dangerously wrong. Officers are well versed in DUI accidents and understand the signs and symptoms when someone is intoxicated. Police officers are able to tell that somebody has been drinking and driving from taking a closer look at the driver as well as taking a peek inside their vehicle. Sometimes it is as easy as spotting open containers on the floor in a vehicle. Sometimes, a Breathalyzer will hold all the answers when a BAC is well above the legal limit. No matter what, there are risks with these accidents and officers understand how to treat them seriously. In some cases, criminal charges from a DUI case can lead into your civil case and the success you will see when making your claim.
Moving Forward With Your Injury Case
You have been injured in a drunk driving crash caused by the negligence of another party and now you’re left to pick up the pieces and live with injuries that could have very easily been prevented. Perhaps you’ve sustained long-term injuries that can leave a lasting impact on your life, such as paralysis, leg injuries from side-impact collisions, neck injuries, broken bones, and traumatic brain injuries. No matter how severe the injuries, you should always be able to compensate when they have left a lasting impact. Many people who sustain serious injuries in a DUI accident will find that they have to miss time at work, which means that making money can be incredibly difficult. You may need help with your bills, which is where we come in to hold a party liable.
Drunk driving is a crime in all 50 states, which is why your case will most definitely be the fault of the party who decided to drink and get behind the wheel of their vehicle. It is important to have an attorney on your side through this process. We can help you with every aspect, from determining liability to filing your petition, to going to settlement or court. We can offer our legal advice to you so you know exactly where to turn in a desperate time.